Toxic Alien Zombie Babes From Outer Space …. the movie that even the stars of b grade schlock movies refused to be in.

David Black
5 min readJul 13, 2020


Press Release to announce the feature film — “Toxic Alien Zombie Babes From Outer Space”

July 2020, for immediate release

David Black, producer, writer and actor in Toxic Alien Zombie Babes From Outer Space

We’re just over 3 months into the covid-19 lock-downs but that hasn’t stopped Australian producer and actor, David Black, from keeping the product coming. David has released 5 short movies in this time — “Babble On, Babylon”, “Quest of Questions”, Blargenfloof and the Seventh Golden Shamrock”, “Sinister Symbiosis” and “Klink, Klunk, Klonk”.

Gerardo Chierchia is the director and editor of Toxic Alien Zombie Babes From Outer Space

David is teaming up, once again, with Gerardo Chierchia to release a crazy feature film called “Toxic Alien Zombie Babes From Outer Space.” Melbourne is currently in lock-down on stage 3 restrictions, so the challenge is in filming a pro level film without being able to have full crews on site. David has assured us that they have already found clever ways to achieve this via usage of green screen, sfx and other tricks that will remain secret until the film is released.

Vixey Teh will be starring as the Toxic Alien Zombie Babe

Joining David will be Vixey Teh as our Toxic Alien Zombie Babe. Vixey has already appeared in a number of David’s films such as Quest of Questions, Blargenfloof and the Seventh Golden Shamrock, Regression Transgression and The Road to Hell is Still Undefined.

Vixey Teh — I am pleased and excited to be featured in Toxic Alien Zombie Babes. It is always a great privilege and pleasure to work with such talented and professional creatives like David Black and Gerardo Chierchia. This is such a fantastic concept, in a time of isolation; to bring creatives together across the globe, while everyone is safely, socially distanced, through the magic of film. I look forward to this unique experience and cannot wait to see the finished movie! I hope you will enjoy it as much as I know I will!

Melanie Kuhn will be playing the role of Sgt Harper — a fierce soldier!

Melanie Kuhn, who also appears in “The Road to Hell is Still Undefined” will be playing the role of Sgt Harper , a tough soldier who fights it out to the bitter end.

Melanie — When David put the call out for participants for this project, I immediately jumped at the opportunity. Having worked with David on prior films and in the local music industry, I know he has an incredible eye for detail and his projects are professional yet fun.

I love the idea of this being a combined effort with participants from across the globe. I think it’s a wonderful chance for us creatives to pool our efforts and unite to create something special.

Natasha Mace

Also joining the cast is Natasha Mace, who filmed “Sinister Symbiosis” and “Babble On, Babylon”. This time though, she is in front of the camera playing the part of a concerned mother.

Natasha — When David Black asked me if I wanted to be a part of this project I wasn’t sure what to say. I have worked with David on two previous short films (“Babble On Babylon” and “Sinister Symbiosis”) however, this will be my first time stepping in front of the camera.

This has been quite a stressful time for everyone and David’s films are always a lot of fun. He has a wonderfully quirky sense of humour which really shines through in the script for Toxic Alien Zombie Babes. It’s bound to a delight for the whole family (assuming of course you’re a family of deranged lunatics.)

Glen Cook will be one of the very first victims of the Toxic Alien Zombie Babes From Outer Space!

And this wouldn’t be a David Black production without Glen Cook, who has been the gaffer on most of David’s short films as well as acting in many of them. Glen recently played the lead role in“Hamlet for the Fireys”, which was produced to highlight the struggles faced by fire fighters. It was filmed during disastrous Black Summer bush fires of 2019/ 2020.

Glen — I’ve been involved with so many of David’s projects and after working
with David on the project in support for the fire fighters who had done so much during the bush fires earlier this year, I was more than happy to collaborate on something during our lock down period where creativity will certainly be at a low point.

The fact that Dave has the ideas in this time and flexibility to make things
happen in this lock down period shows how much drive and passion he
has for projects. The whole idea sounds so fun and very unique and
I’m quite excited to see how things turn out in a unique and special

A Flying Saucer from the film — made to look like the ones we came to love in the 1950’s Sci-Fi’s

Toxic Alien Zombie Babes From Outer Space is a tongue in cheek sci-fi/ horror that pays homage to past cult classics such as War of the Worlds, Plan 9 from Outer Space and Attack of the 50 Foot Woman. Originally Black wanted to have appearances throughout the film by various stars of B grade movies but everyone he asked so far has knocked him back.

Director, Gerardo Chierchia said, “When David Black mentioned this project to me, I immediately saw the finished film in my head … during this period of covid-19 many have lost their jobs including me … for this reason I looked for
something to commit to and keep myself creative … I know David and his way of organizing and producing the films … it’s a great adventure but , with the help of many around the world… I’m sure the film will be interesting …. this period will be a time we will never forget. .. what better way to put ourselves on the inside, of our memories by making a film for us and for the future.

You can get more information on the film here:

And you can keep up to date with the cast and crew here:

David Black —
Gerardo Chierchia —
Vixey Teh —
Natasha Mace —
Melanie Kuhn —
Glen Cook —

