No rhyme, no reason, no chance!
The cameras are now rolling on Badass Bunyip
From the murky billabongs and swamps of the land down under comes the latest horrifying monster ever to be captured on film ….. Badass Bunyip!
David Black and Gerardo Chierchia are currently filming a schlocky, gory horror Christmas movie that is destined to become one of the classics of Ozploitation.
Starring Tritia DeViSha and David Black as our lovable bogans, Shazza and Gazza, we are taken on a rollercoaster ride of murder and mutilation as they flee a wild, rampaging bunyip after accidentally choosing an Aboriginal sacred site for their Christmas picnic.
The bunyips of ancient Aboriginal legend were unstoppable killing machines. No rhyme, no reason, no chance! Can anything save Shazza and Gazza in this no holds barred, bad taste, orgy of gore and carnage?
For more information
Facebook page
Teaser Trailer
The making of the Bunyip video
Tritia DeViSha IMDB
David Black IMDB
Search My Trash interview
For interview enquiries, please contact via the official facebook page