Nathan Itter, a true Aussie battler!

David Black
4 min readNov 19, 2017


Nathan Itter

Today I’m going to chat to a true Aussie battler by the name of Nathan Itter. Nathan is a man who has battled cancer, and yet throughout all of it, he not only kept his spirits up and kept acting, but was very supportive to others that were going through hard times. I first met Nathan on the set of a music video that he was producing and was very impressed by this man.

DB — Hi Nathan, thanks for making the time to chat to me today. I believe that you go back a good seven years in the acting industry and your first role was in a film called “coming undone”. Can you give us a bit of a backgrounder on your acting career?

NI — Hi David, thank you for having me. “Coming Undone” was a fun project. Just a group of enthusiastic actors catching up once a week and making a project. Over the years I have managed to score roles in feature/short films, TVC’s the one commercial notably that gets recognised is the current Worksafe advertisement running for its third term in a row.

DB — Your IMDB and Starnow really show a lot of roles Nathan, but, you’ve also had a fair bit of training in the craft. Can you give us a bit of a run down on what you’ve done?

NI — I first started at Screen actors in Mt Waverley, and then moved onto the Film Space which is run by industry respected director Aleksi Vellis. I also completed The Foundation course at Howard Fine with the lovely Laura Gardner. I have since gone back to Aleksi time and time again.

DB — Of all the roles you’ve performed, is there one in particular that you would really like to tell us about?

NI — I loved playing my Uncle in my first ever short film that I created called “Jimmy”. I lived and breathed that role for a long time. It was a strong emotional story for me and my uncle. I also completed a short film just recently that had a great range of emotions that was difficult at times however I nailed it.

DB — Nathan, I know that no one wants to be defined by an illness, but as a fellow cancer survivor, I really want to ask you about this. How did this affect you and do you believe that your battle has given you a unique perspective that makes you different to other actors?

NI — I am very open about my battle. From the day I was diagnosed I never ever believed it would take me. I made sure I kept busy as much as my body could allow, so whenever there was a chance to act, I did so, including acting classes. I’m sure the majority of actors have this same perspective, but ever since I won my battle I just don’t let things bother me and just wing it so to speak and don’t overthink things.

DB — You’ve done quite a lot of training and so many, many different roles Nathan. Has this given you an idea of what direction you would like to take your career in?

NI — Haha, I was talking to someone the other day about particular roles I like. I just love playing the bad guy because it’s the exact opposite of what I am as a person. Having said that, to play the hero would be a bonus, because they usually hang around longer don’t they? I think I answered that correctly. Haha.

Nathan, the bad boy!

DB — Thanks for making the time to chat to me today Nathan. I know that this brief interview has barely scratched the surface of all that you have done. Can you provide any links for the readers to catch up on your career and to follow it?

NI — Thank you David and I appreciate you giving me time to talk about things. Below are some links to checkout.

Starnow IMDB Showcast

David Black regularly writes for Oz Indie Cinema & is the lead singer/ bass player for Darkness Visible



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