Laurinda Osborne …………. nerd by day, super hero by night

David Black
3 min readNov 18, 2017


David Black chats to Laurinda Osborne, office nerd and astrophotographer, who is making her mark in the Australian acting community.

DB — Hi Laurinda. Last time I saw you was when we were running the first ever Victorian Indie Movie Night. It was so busy that I didn’t get a chance to ask you this one important question. What makes an ex pharmacy technician, astrophotographer and current office nerd want to be an actress?

LO — It’s something I have always wanted to do. What held me back was not feeling confident enough to do it, but an opportunity came up to be a zombie extra in a movie, I applied and since then, it has opened more doors to other film shoots which has boosted my confidence.

DB — Glad to hear that! I remember you on two sets, Dark Night of the Zomboogies and Evil Fred, but you have done so much more. Can you give me a rundown of your acting career so far Laurinda?

LO — I have been in a few feature films now, playing various roles such as zombies, a medic, music videos, and short films. These include The Last Hope, Salvation Heartbreak part 2, Misunderstandings and New Dawn.

Don’t mess with Laurinda!

DB — Was there any one particular film that you enjoyed being in the most? It doesn’t have to be my film, Dark Night of the Zomboogies! Lol.

LO — Oh my gosh, I cannot pick! I have enjoyed all film shoots I have been a part of. What I do enjoy about any of these film shoots is meeting and making a lot new friends and getting experience on different kinds of sets.

DB — Is there any particular role that you prefer Laurinda?

LO — Any role! I enjoy playing a range of different characters. I feel as this is a great way to get experience in different roles. Some of the characters I’ve enjoyed playing so far are include a zombie, a medic and a refugee.

I especially enjoyed playing a zombie because I’m a big fan of the walking dead and I knew I could bring something unique to the role.


DB — Where do you want to steer your acting Career? If we look 5 years ahead, where do you want to be Laurinda?

LO — I would like my acting career to still grow. I hope in 5 years I have been in a lot more, and even having a go at being behind the camera!

DB — It’s always a pleasure catching up Laurinda, whether it be on set, or organising film nights. Thanks for taking the time to chat to me today. Can you give us some links so that we can follow your career?

LO — Of course! You can follow my acting career via my StarNow account, and my IMDb account

Thanks again David!

And so the weekend comes to an end, and it’s back to the office

David Black regularly writes for Oz Indie Cinema —

And is the lead singer/ bass player for Darkness Visible —



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