Banging up a storm!
David Black interviews the multi-talented Vanessa Gudgeon
DB — Hi Vanessa. You seem to have quite a variety of skills in the arts. Can you tell me a bit about your background?
VG- I started doing various dance classes and playing minor roles in school plays, from a young age. During high school I joined my school orchestra and found my love for audio engineering and later I started getting more audio work and eventually took up Burlesque and most recently mermaiding.
DB- Have you found that each of the different fields you’ve pursued has helped in your acting? If so, how has each helped you hone your craft?
VG- Definitely, I have learned a lot about speaking and projection of my voice, through my work with audio and I have become a much better at taking on characters, since I started Burlesque and mermaiding, as my stage personas are in essence, characters which I play on a regular basis.
DB- With so much variety in what you have done to date, what do you see as your ideal role?
VG- Honestly, any and all of it, I really enjoy leading a life of variety and am always willing to learn new skills.
DB- Are there any actors that you have taken inspiration from?
VB- I’m not sure that I take inspiration from particular actors, but I certainly get inspired by character, which are similar to ones I am playing at the time.
DB- Where do you see yourself in ten years?
VB- I’d love to be doing the same kind of work I’m doing today, just with better pay and I really hope to act in more horror films!
Thanks for taking the time to speak to me today Vanessa. Any links you have that you would like to share can go here:
Starnow —
David Black regularly writes for Oz Indie Cinema —
and is the lead singer/ bass player for Darkness Visible —